September is Hunger Action Month

Food insecurity is a reality for 1 in 4 East Texans, including 1 in 3 children today.  To help fight hunger, the East Texas Food Bank is participating in Feeding America’s nationwide Hunger Action Month campaign during the month of September. Hunger Action Month is designed to mobilize the public to take action on the issue of hunger. Everyone can be a hunger hero and no action is too small!

Be a Hunger Hero


For every $1 that is donated to the East Texas Food Bank, we can provide up to 8 meals for children, families and seniors that struggle with hunger. Make a gift now and consider setting up a monthly donation to help us fight hunger all year!

Host a Virtual Food Drive

Any person, business or organization can host a virtual food drive with their own unique page to raise funds for the East Texas Food Bank. Virtual food drives raise dollars instead of cans, which helps the East Texas Food Bank provide even more food for the families we serve. Sign up to host a Virtual Food Drive.


The East Texas Food Bank relies on volunteers to help us fulfill our mission. We welcome all volunteers over the age of 8, and have a variety of volunteer opportunities available for individuals, families and groups! Find out more about volunteering.

Connect and share on social media

You can use the power of your social network to help us reach even more people and inform them of the work we do every day to help end hunger in East Texas. Be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Sign up for our emails

Keep up with the latest news and updates from the East Texas Food Bank by signing up for emails.

Hunger is a crisis in East Texas that will take the whole communities’ support to fight. While the fight against hunger is ongoing- together, we can feed hope for our neighbors in need!