ETFB announces the results of the “Spread the Love” Peanut Butter Drive
The city of Tyler came out on top for the first East Texas Food Bank “Spread the Love” Peanut Butter Drive between the cities of Tyler and Longview, led by the mayors of each community.
Tyler raised 20,202 jars of peanut butter versus 18,393 for Longview, totaling 38,595 jars of peanut butter. The public was able to buy physical jars and drop them off in collection barrels or buy them online.
Physical jars of peanut butter: Longview 13,365 and Tyler 2,579.
Online jars of peanut butter: Tyler 17,623 and Longview 5,028 jars: contributions totaling $75,428.60.
“Everyone is a winner because the food and funds collected will help East Texans in need,” said Kim Morris, Chief Impact Officer for the ETFB. “The peanut butter and funds we collected will help us fill the shelves of our pantry partners in Longview and Tyler. We are so thankful to everyone who participated in this event. Each jar represents a family who will be able to have nutritious food that is high in protein.”
Tyler Mayor Don Warren and Longview Mayor Kristen Ishihara held the friendly peanut butter competition in September as part of Hunger Action Month. Hunger Action Month is held every September as part of Feeding America’s initiative to bring awareness about food insecurity in our communities. In East Texas, 1 in 6 adults and 1 in 4 children are hungry.
“We would like to say a special thank you to Brookshire’s, Super 1 Foods and Fresh stores in Tyler and Longview for offering drop-off locations for the peanut butter,” added Morris. “Also we want to thank all of the businesses, individuals, churches, and schools in both cities for holding their own drives to benefit East Texans. This campaign brought our communities together for the unified cause of Fighting Hunger and Feeding Hope.”