November Media

Here’s a look at some stories about the East Texas Food Bank during the month of November 2021:

Facts about Fats


There are a wide variety of options when it comes to fats that we consume through our food market from mono- and polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to hydrogenated oils and trans fats. With so many fats available, it can get confusing knowing which ones to consume, have in moderation, and to avoid. So, we are here to set the fat facts straight.

  • Fats are essential
    Our body runs off of the energy that fat gives us, along with carbohydrates and protein. Our bodies need fat to fully function! Fats do a lot of good for you by not only giving you energy, but also by supporting cell growth, cushioning your organs, keeping you warm, and helping absorb other nutrients. Fats also make food taste good with extra flavor and texture.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown
    While no one food is good or bad, there are some that contain fats that we should limit or have in moderation.
    Healthy fats can be characterized as fats that help lower your total cholesterol and your LDL (bad) cholesterol. They also reduce risk of stroke and heart disease. This would include mono- and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These comes from plants and fish and are generally liquid at room temperature.
    Unhealthy fats can be characterized as raising cholesterol levels and increasing your risk for heart disease and stroke. They are usually animal based and solid at room temperature. These are known as saturated fats.
    Fats to avoid if possible, include hydrogenated oils and trans fats. These fats are changed structurally so they can be more solid and extend the shelf life of the processed foods.

So what should you do?

  • Check the Label
    Evaluate the percentages and try not to go over 100% of daily values. Check the fat values to stay low in saturated fats, and check the ingredient lists. If there is less than 0.5g of trans fat in the serving, they don’t have to list it! Check the ingredients list for hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil.
  • Cooking Smart
    Instead of cooking with solid fats such as butter, shortening, and margarine try using unsaturated fats such as olive or canola oil. Also try to trim fat when possible on meats.
  • Smart Switches
    Try to make smart switches everyday such as using avocados or nut butter on your toast instead of butter spread.
  • Cooking Methods
    Go for baked or steamed options instead of fried foods! Add your own sauce or seasonings to replace the lack of fat.
  • Don’t Forget the Fish!
    Try to include fatty fish in your diet at least once a week for a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which are not only healthy fats, but also contain anti-inflammatory properties.

For more healthy tips, follow us on Facebook @ETXCommunityTable. For recipes visit

Patatas Fritas Al Horno (Sweet Potato Fries)

Patatas Fritas Al Horno (Sweet Potato Fries)


Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Español
  • 2 batatas
  • 1 cucharada de aceite de canola
  • 1/2 cucharadita de sal
  • 1/4 cucharadita de pimienta
  • 1/8 cucharadita de pimienta de Cayena
  • 1 1/2 cucharadita de pimenton
  1. 1. Friegue y enjuague las batatas. Seque con un papel o toalla de cocina.

  2. 2. Dejando la piel, cortar las batatas en tiras de patatas fritas.

  3. 3. Agregue tiras de camote, condimente y agregue aceite a una bolsa y mezcle hasta que las papas fritas esten bien cubiertas.

  4. 4. Coloque las batatas en una sola capa sobre la bandeja de coccion. Hornee a 450 grados durante 15-20 minutos por cada lado.

Recipe Video

Tacos de Pavo (Turkey Tacos)

Tacos de Pavo (Turkey Tacos)

fuente de imagen / receta:

Keyword: Español
  • 1 libra pavo molido magro
  • 1 calabacín mediano
  • 1 zanahoria mediano
  • 1 lata frijoles pintos bajos en sodio
  • 1 cucharada chile en polvo
  • 1 cucharadita ajo en polvo
  • 1 cucharadita orégano
  • ½ cucharadita sal + pimienta
  • 1 paquete tortillas de trigo o tortillas de maíz
  1. Lave, pele y ralle la zanahoria, el camote o el calabacín (rállelo sin pelarlo).

  2. Lave y ralle la lechuga. Lave el tomate, sáquele el centro y píquelo.

  3. Ralle el queso.

  4. Escurra y enjuague los frijoles en un colador.

  5. Rocié una sartén grande con aceite en aerosol. Caliente a temperatura media alta. Eche el pavo y dórelo.

  6. Agregue las verduras ralladas, los frijoles, los tomates enlatados, el chile en polvo, el ajo en polvo, el oregano, la sal y la pimienta negra. Revuelva bien.

  7. Reduzca la flama a temperatura media. Cocine hasta que espese, por unos 20 minutos.

  8. Añada 2 cucharadas a cada tortilla. Échele encima el queso rallado, lechuga y tomates frescos.

Recipe Video

Arroz Frito (Easy Asian Rice)

Arroz Frito (Easy Asian Rice)

fuente de imagen/receta:

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: Español
  • 1 cucharadita de aceite 2 cebollines finamente cortados
  • 2 cebollines finamente cortados
  • 2 huevos batidos
  • 1 cucharada de salsa de soya baja en sodio
  • 1 paquete (16 oz) de zanahorias y chicharos congelados
  • ¼ cucharadita cucharadita de jengibre molido
  • 3 tazas de arroz integral cocido ● opcional: 1 taza de pollo cocinado
  • 1 cucharadita de ajo en polvo o 2 dientes de ajo
  1. Caliente aceite en una sartén grande a fuego medio-alto. Añada los huevos y revuelva. Quite
  2. los huevos cocidos y déjelos a un lado.
  3. Añada una pequeña cantidad de agua a una cacerola y cocine las verduras hasta que estén
  4. tiernas y crujientes.
  5. Añada el arroz codico, ajo en polvo y jengibre molido y revuelva para calentar
  6. completamente, presionando contra la cacerola para eliminar los grumos.
  7. Añada el pollo cocinado(si se usa) y la salsa de soya. Sofría hasta que esté caliente.
  8. Añada los cebollines y los huevos que dejó a un lado, y caliente para cocinar completamente

Recipe Video