Sopa de guisantes

Sopa de guisantes (Split Pea Soup)


Course: Soup
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Español
  • 2 1/4 tazas de guisantes secos
  • 2 cuartos de agua fria
  • 1 1/2 libras de hueso de jamon
  • 2 cebollas en rodajas finas
  • 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida
  • 1 pizca de perejil seco
  • 3 tallos de apio picados
  • 1 papa cortada en cubitos
  1. 1. En una olla grande, cubra los guisantes con 2 cuartos de galón de agua fría y déjelos en remojo durante la noche. Si necesita un método más rápido, cocine a fuego lento los guisantes durante 2 minutos y luego déjelos en remojo durante 1 hora.

  2. 2. Una vez que los guisantes estén remojados, agregue el hueso de jamón, la cebolla, la sal, la pimienta y el perejil (u otra hierba). Cubra, deje hervir y luego cocine a fuego lento durante 1 1/2 horas, revolviendo ocasionalmente.

  3. 3. Retire el hueso; corte la carne, corte en dados y vuelva a colocar la carne en la sopa. Agregue el apio, las zanahorias y las papas. Cocine lentamente, sin tapar, durante 30 a 40 minutos o hasta que las verduras estén tiernas.

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Brownies de frijoles negros

Brownies de frijoles negros (Black Bean Brownies)


Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Español
  • 1 lata de 15 onzas de frijoles negros
  • 3 huevos grandes
  • 3 cucharadas de aceite de canola
  • 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
  • 1/2 taza de azucar morena compacta
  • 1/3 taza de cacao en polvo
  1. 1. En un colador, escurrir y enjuagar los frijoles.

  2. 2. En un tazón grande, bata los huevos, el aceite y la vainilla con un tenedor. Agregue los frijoles y tritúrelos con un tenedor hasta que los frijoles sean apenas visibles (esto puede tomar 5 o más minutos de macerado). Revuelva el azúcar y el cacao y mezcle con una espátula de goma hasta que se mezcle.

  3. 3. Precaliente el horno a 350 ° F. Vierta la masa en el molde para hornear.

  4. 4. Hornea hasta que al insertar un cuchillo en el centro de los brownies salga limpio, de 25 a 30 minutos. Deje enfriar completamente antes de cortar en 16 cuadrados.

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Staying healthy during the holidays


The holidays are here! That means more visits with family and friends and more delicious food to eat. But how can we stay on track with our normal diet with all of the delectable goodness? Here are some quick tips and trips to make sure you aren’t letting the holiday feasts get the best of you.

  1. Snacks and Apps
    Snacks and appetizers are an easy way to overeat and consume extra calories without realizing it. Instead of filling up on sweet snacks offered, you can offer to bring a vegetable tray to snack on, bring your own snacks to keep you on track, or just opt out of snacking between meals. You can also eat your dose of fruits and veggies before going out to that holiday party!
  1. Sweet Tooth
    Holidays always come with endless sweet options such as cookies, brownies, cakes, pies, hot chocolate, etc. Before indulging in every sweet dessert possible, consider just picking an appropriate serving of your favorite dessert and pairing it with fruit. Fruit is a great way to get in natural sugars that help satisfy your cravings.
  1. Meals Outside the Party
    If you know you are going to go to a big Thanksgiving dinner that night, make sure you eat right for your other meals! Make sure you get your fruits and vegetables beforehand and try to keep the portions small to compensate for the dinner if it is bigger than what you usually eat.
  1. Don’t Skip the Favorites
    It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Don’t skip over the favorite entrees that you love! Make sure the proportion is appropriate, but don’t cut it out altogether. Enjoy!
  1. Buffer the Buffett
    Don’t let the rows of food fool you! Have a plate of food and step away from the buffet. Lessen your appetite by having a snack of vegetables before starting the feast! Don’t forget to eat slowly to help your brain recognize when you are full.
  1. Keep Moving
    You might be tempted to sleep or rest after the parties are over, but it is important to get in your daily dose of activity! Go for a walk after your meal, play an active game in the yard with the family, or make sure to park at the back of the parking lot to get more activity while doing your holiday necessities! This will also help keep the stress off!
  1. Stress Less
    Stress can get the best of us during the holidays when our responsibilities pile up on us and lead to more stress eating. Don’t forget to take a breath and enjoy yourself. Make sure you have a plan to destress during the day whether it be spending valuable time with loved ones, breathing exercises, or exercising in general!
  1. Stay Safe
    Don’t forget the importance of food safety. Be aware of appropriate temperatures for foods to be cooked to, stored in, and held at for a specific time period. Don’t forget to wash your hands before, during, and after dealing with food preparation and when spending a lot of time with others.

For more tips and recipes, follow The Community Table on Facebook or click here.

Hunger Hero Awards announced for second year

    Hunger Hero Award Recipient Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler

To recognize the continued outpouring of support from the community during the East Texas Food Bank’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ETFB honored four recipients with the 2nd annual Hunger Hero Awards.

Hunger Hero Awards were given to Green Acres Baptist Church (Community Partner Organization), Mr. & Mrs. Herb and Melvina Buie (Individual Supporter), John Soules Foods, Inc. (Corporate Partner) and the Louis & Peaches Owen Family Foundation (Foundation Partner).

“We are excited and honored to present this year’s Hunger Hero Awards to recipients who have shown a great amount of support, especially in the past year as we’ve continued to distribute record amounts of food,” said Dennis Cullinane, CEO of the East Texas Food Bank. “They really exemplify the kindness and generosity of our community and the commitment needed in the fight against hunger.”

The awards were given during Feeding America’s Hunger Action Month. The awareness month, held each September, works to inspire community to take action and bring attention to the reality of hunger in East Texas and across the nation.

“One thing that motivates me is that we want to help 26 counties, 200 agencies reach over 30 million pounds of food to the hungry in our East Texas area,” said Herb Buie. “I want to see that happen with the great performance of the East Texas Food Bank.”

Hunger impacts people in every corner of the country, including 239,800 people, 85,450 of which are children, right here in East Texas. This amounts to 1 in 5 East Texans, including 1 in 4 children.

“We feel it is important to give back to the community that has given so much to us,” said John Soules Jr., Co-CEO of John Soules Foods, Inc. “We are honored to be awarded in this way and continue to pledge our support to the East Texas Food Bank for years to come.”

“Hunger continues to be a crisis in East Texas. While the fight against hunger is ongoing- together, we can feed hope for our neighbors in need,” Cullinane said.

10 Tips to Be Active Adults

Be Active Adult

Being physically active is important for your health. Adults who are physically active are less likely to develop some chronic diseases than adults who are inactive. Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from a physically active lifestyle.

  1. Start activities slowly and build up over time
    If you are just starting physical activity, build up slowly. This will help to prevent injury. After a few weeks, increase how often and how long you are active.
  1. Get your heart pumping
    For health benefits, do at least 2½ hours each week of physical activity that requires moderate effort. A few examples include brisk walking, biking, swimming, and skating. Spread activities over the week, but do them at least 10 minutes at a time.
  1. Strength-train for health muscles and bones
    Do strengthening activities twice a week. Activities that build strength include lifting weights, doing push-ups and sit-ups, working with resistance bands, or heavy gardening.
  1. Make active choices throughout the day
    Every little bit of activity can add up and doing something is better than nothing. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a 10-minute walk on your lunch break, or park further away from work and walk.
  1. Be active your way
    Mix it up—there are endless ways to be active. They include walking, biking, dancing, martial arts, gardening, and playing ball. Try out different activities to see what you like best and to add variety.
  1. Use the buddy system
    Activities with friends or family are more enjoyable than doing them alone. Join a walking group, attend fitness classes at a gym, or play with the kids outside. Build a support network—your buddies will encourage you to keep being active.
  1. Set goals and track your progress
    Plan your physical activity ahead of time and keep records. It’s a great way to meet your goals.
  1. Add on to your active time
    Once you get used to regular physical activity, try to increase your weekly active time. The more time you spend being physically active, the more health benefits you will receive.
  1. Increase your effort
    Add more intense activities once you have been moderately active for a while. You can do this by turning a brisk walk into a jog, swimming or biking faster, playing soccer, and participating in aerobic dance.
  1. Have fun!

Physical activity shouldn’t be a chore. It can help you feel better about yourself and the way you live your life. Choose activities that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle.

For more healthy tips, follow us on Facebook. For recipes visit

The tips featured in this blog post were developed by the USDA. For more information, visit