Employee Spotlight: Lauren Barnes

Lauren Barnes joined the East Texas Food Bank in October 2019 as the Communications and Marketing Director. Lauren is responsible for all marketing, communications and advocacy activities across ETFB’s 26 county service area.

Lauren has a passion for using her skills to have a positive impact on the community and has dedicated her career to working with nonprofits. Her previous positions include working with adolescent mental health and substance abuse, early childhood development and education and academic after-school and summer programs.

When she’s not at work, Lauren is usually spending quality time with her fiancee, Cate, daughter, Madeline, and their three rescue pets. The pandemic has provided extra time for camping, board games and outdoor movies.

Board of Directors Spotlight: Jay Brooks

Jay Brooks is the Smith County Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator and joined the Board of Directors in July of 2020. Jay said he was inspired to join the board after working with ETFB during its COVID-19 emergency response.

“I was impressed with the operation and the number of people that are positively impacted by ETFB. Even during a pandemic, ETFB was able to pull together the necessary resources to aid a substantial increase in families who needed assistance due to the mandated shutdown. Food is a necessity of life and I wanted to do my part to help fulfill this mission,” Jay told us.

Outside of serving the community, Jay enjoys fishing, woodworking and computer programming. Fun fact: Jay is on his second career and worked in technology before.

Employee Spotlight: Bethany Bausell


Bethany started as a VISTA intern this summer and made such an impression that she was offered a position to stay with the East Texas Food Bank as a Senior Hunger Associate.

Day-to-day, Bethany handles record entry of distributions, working in the database and helps with direct distribution preparations for the Senior Box Program. Bethany said her favorite thing about working here is seeing her coworkers each morning and greeting them.

Outside of work, Bethany enjoys writing poetry, reading fiction and listening to music in different languages. A few unique facts about Bethany: her favorite genre of music is K-pop due to the meanings behind the songs and the choreography and she was adopted.

When times get hard, Teresa can count on you

I really don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have a place like this to turn to. The PATH food pantry in Tyler makes sure my husband and I don’t go hungry.

You see, we’re empty-nesters, but even though we’re only supporting ourselves these days, business is very slow at our small shop right now.

When we don’t get work, we have to come here. I think the colder months are hardest because utility bills go up. Rent, utilities, food to put on the table—those are our biggest expenses.

At the food pantry, we can pick up fruits and vegetables, canned goods, meat, and bread. Then at Thanksgiving, they give you everything you need for dinner: your turkey, your dressing, your sweets. You don’t miss out on anything!

Thank you for helping us get through every night and day. We appreciate you.

You can help more out-of-work neighbors in time for the holidays. Give now and we will put your gift to work right away!

First-time guest takes home food and solace

Maybe you can’t see it because of my mask, but I am all smiles right now!

My name is Delois, and this is the first time I’ve visited the East Texas Food Bank’s drive-through distribution. They just put a big box of food in the trunk and we’re about to head out, but I wanted to tell you first: This food is going to benefit me a lot. It’s just a blessing!

I never needed food assistance before, but between my disability and COVID-19, we were having trouble affording enough food at home.

Thankfully, I found the beautiful people at this place. I can’t even believe how eager they were to give me everything I needed—canned goods and fresh produce, too. What a comfort in this scary time!

Thank you to everybody who’s helping. This is a lot of help to a lot of people!

Kindhearted friends like you have enabled our network of partner agencies and feeding programs—including Delois’s local pantry—to keep up with the tremendous need this year. Thank you for caring!