Eating Better on a Budget: 10 Tips to Help You Stretch Your Food Dollars

Food Budget_blog

Get the most for your food budget! There are many ways to save money on the foods that you eat. The three main steps are planning before you shop, purchasing the items at the best price, and preparing meals that stretch your food dollars.

  1. Plan, Plan, Plan! – Before you head to the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. Include meals like stews, casseroles, or stir-fries, which “stretch” expensive items into more portions. Check to see what foods you already have and make a list for what you need to buy.
  2. Get the Best Price – Check the local newspaper, online, and at the store for sales and coupons. Ask about a loyalty card for extra savings at stores where you shop. Look for specials or sales on meat and seafood—often the most expensive items on your list.
  3. Compare and Contrast – Locate the “Unit Price” on the shelf directly below the product. Use it to compare different brands and different sizes of the same brand to determine which is more economical.
  4. Buy in Bulk – It is almost always cheaper to buy foods in bulk. Smart choices are family packs of chicken, steak, or fish and larger bags of potatoes and frozen vegetables. Before you shop, remember to check if you have enough freezer space.
  5. Buy in Season – Buying fruits and vegetables in season can lower the cost and add to the freshness! If you are not going to use them all right away, buy some that still need time to ripen.
  6. Convenience Costs… Go Back to the Basics – Convenience foods like frozen dinners, pre-cut vegetables, and instant rice, oatmeal, or grits will cost you more than if you were to make them from scratch. Take the time to prepare your own—and save!
  7. Easy on Your Wallet – Certain foods are typically low-cost options all year round. Try beans for a less expensive protein food. For vegetables, buy carrots, greens, or potatoes. As for fruits, apples and bananas are good choices.
  8. Cook Once…Eat All Week! – Prepare a large batch of favorite recipes on your day off (double or triple the recipe). Freeze in individual containers. Use them throughout the week and you won’t have to spend money on take-out meals.
  9. Get Your Creative Juices Flowing – Spice up your leftovers—use them in new ways. For example, try leftover chicken in a stir-fry or over a garden salad, or to make chicken chili. Remember, throwing away food is throwing away your money!
  10. Eating Out – Restaurants can be expensive. Save money by getting the early bird special, going out for lunch instead of dinner, or looking for “2 for 1” deals. Stick to water instead of ordering other beverages, which add to the bill.

For recipes visit

The tips featured in this blog post were developed by the USDA. For more information, visit

East Texas Food Bank Recognizes Hunger Hero Award Recipients for 2022

  • Hunger Heroes 2022

The East Texas Food Bank (ETFB) honored four recipients today with the third annual Hunger Hero Awards as part of Hunger Action Month.

Hunger Hero Awards were given to Carroll Greenwaldt (Individual Supporter), Junior League of Tyler, Inc. (Community Partner Organization), American State Bank (Corporate Partner) and the CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System and CHRISTUS Community Impact Fund (Ministry Partner).

“This group of honorees exemplifies the commitment needed in the fight against hunger,” said Dennis Cullinane, CEO of the East Texas Food Bank. “Record numbers of East Texans are seeking help to feed their families because of inflation. ETFB gave out a 27 million meals to 117,300 households in our past fiscal year.”

Individual Supporter
Carroll Greenwaldt has been instrumental with the Longview Mobile Pantry Program with organizing volunteers for the monthly distribution.

Community Partner Organization
Junior League of Tyler, Inc. has supported ETFB for 32 years providing funds and volunteers.

Corporate Partner
American State Bank provided free office space to ETFB for eight months while the administration building has been undergoing renovations.

 Ministry Partner
CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System and CHRISTUS Community Impact Fund partnered with ETFB to support the new Longview Resource Center, scheduled to open in the spring of 2023.

ETFB presented the awards during Feeding America’s Hunger Action Day, held each year in September, to inspire the community to take action and bring attention to hunger in East Texas and the nation.

According to Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap study, 1 in 6 East Texans including 1 in 4 children are hungry. This amounts to 204,040 adults including 70,560 children.

Be Food Safe: 10 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Foodborne Illness

Food Safety Blog

A critical part of healthy eating is keeping foods safe. Individuals in their own homes can reduce contaminants and keep food safe to eat by following safe food handling practices. Four basic food safety principles work together to reduce the risk of foodborne illness—Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill. These four principles are the cornerstones of Fight BAC!®, a national public education campaign to promote food safety to consumers and educate them on how to handle and prepare food safely.


  1. Wash Hands with Soap and Water- Wet hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available. Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all parts of the hand for 20 seconds. Rinse hands thoroughly and dry using a clean paper towel. If possible, use a paper towel to turn off the faucet.
  2. Sanitize Surfaces- Surfaces should be washed with hot, soapy water. A solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water can be used to sanitize surfaces.
  3. Clean Sweep Refrigerated Foods Once a Week- At least once a week, throw out refrigerated foods that should no longer be eaten. Cooked leftovers should be discarded after 4 days; raw poultry and ground meats, 1 to 2 days.
  4. Keep Appliances Clean- Clean the inside and the outside of appliances. Pay particular attention to buttons and handles where cross-contamination to hands can occur.
  5. Rinse Produce- Rinse fresh vegetables and fruits under running water just before eating, cutting, or cooking. Even if you plan to peel or cut the produce before eating, it is important to thoroughly rinse it first to prevent microbes from transferring from the outside to the inside of the produce


  1. Separate Foods When Shopping- Place raw seafood, meat, and poultry in plastic bags. Store them below ready-to-eat foods in your refrigerator.
  2. Separate Foods When Preparing and Serving- Always use a clean cutting board for fresh produce and a separate one for raw seafood, meat, and poultry. Never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food.


  1. Use a Food Thermometer When Cooking- A food thermometer should be used to ensure that food is safely cooked and that cooked food is held at safe temperatures until eaten.
  2. Cook Food to Safe Internal Temperatures- One effective way to prevent illness is to check the internal temperature of seafood, meat, poultry, and egg dishes. Cook all raw beef, pork, lamb, and veal steaks, chops, and roasts to a safe minimum internal temperature of 145 °F. For safety and quality, allow meat to rest for at least 3 minutes before carving or eating. Cook all raw ground beef, pork, lamb, and veal to an internal temperature of 160 °F. Cook all poultry, including ground turkey and chicken, to an internal temperature of 165 °F (
  3. Keep Foods at Safe Temperatures- Hold cold foods at 40 °F or below. Keep hot foods at 140 °F or above. Foods are no longer safe to eat when they have been in the danger zone between 40-140 °F for more than 2 hours (1 hour if the temperature was above 90 °F).

For recipes visit

The tips featured in this blog post were developed by the USDA. For more information, visit

Tyler ISD Schools Prepare for 32nd Annual Pantry Raid

Pantry Raid 2021

Tyler High and Tyler Legacy are coming together again this year before their big football rivalry to raise meals for hungry East Texans as part of the 32nd Annual Pantry Raid.

The East Texas Food Bank and the Tyler Independent School District host the annual event. Since the pantry raid began in 1991, students have raised more than 1.5 million meals.

“This year’s event is more important than ever as so many East Texans are struggling to feed their families because of the high cost of food due to inflation,” said Dennis Cullinane, CEO of the East Texas Food Bank. “We are so excited that students will kick off the football season by supporting their community to help the one in six East Texans facing hunger, including one in four children.”

Last year students raised 102,257 meals. Tyler High and Tyler Legacy students will collect food and funds over the next several weeks. The results will be announced at halftime during their annual football game on Friday, September 2, at Christus Trinity Mother Frances Rose Stadium. Donations can be made at

Monetary donations will support ETFB’s programs that serve Tyler ISD students, such as the BackPack Program and Kids Café. More than 8,700 East Texas children receive BackPacks every weekend filled with nutritious, kid-friendly food to help last them until Monday morning. The Kids Cafe© and Afterschool Snack Program served over 115,000 meals and over 31,000 snacks in the 2021 – 2022 school year.

“Tyler ISD is grateful to the East Texas Food Bank for its continued impact on the lives of our students and families each year,” Tyler ISD Chief Communications Officer Jennifer Hines said. “The hunger-relief services ETFB provides is a tremendous benefit to our families.”

East Texas Food Bank partners with DoorDash to distribute meals to Texarkana seniors

The East Texas Food Bank is collaborating with DoorDash’s Project Dash to power the delivery of meals to Texarkana, TX residents who are enrolled in the Senior Box Program.

By partnering with Project DASH, Dashers deliver boxes from one of the food banks’ member agencies so seniors with limited transportation options can receive the meals they need. Operation New Day Food Pantry, operated by three Texarkana churches, is one of ETFB’s first pilot sites for this service. The Texarkana churches involved in the pantry include Twin City Church of Christ, Church of Christ on Pine Street and Christ Apostolic Church, Blood of the Lamb Assembly. The pantry provides boxes to almost 45 seniors each month.

“We are absolutely thrilled to offer this free service to our seniors in Texarkana,” said Twin City Church of Christ Senior Pastor David Watkins. “Helping hungry people is one of the basic elements churches should be focused on and it’s a blessing to help so many people who can’t stretch their dollars.”

“We are so grateful for Project DASH’s commitment to helping seniors with hunger relief,” said Tim Butler, ETFB Chief Impact Officer. “The East Texas Food Bank Senior Box Program provides boxes of nutritious food each month to low-income seniors, many who live in isolated, rural communities. Approximately 6,600 seniors receive a box monthly at sites throughout our 26 county service area.”

“We are honored to partner with the East Texas Food Bank to broaden food access in Texarkana,” said Kelly Jones, DoorDash Drive Director of Government and Nonprofit. “Local delivery has been critical in supporting food banks and food pantries provision of food and other essentials while emphasizing convenience and dignity. We’re excited to continue growing this work in a sustainable way for our partners across the country to continue to meet the ongoing need.”

Project Dash will expand to other locations the ETFB serves in the coming months. Longview started their service last week. Since Project DASH launched in 2018, it has powered over 2 million deliveries of an estimated more than 35 million meals in the U.S. and Canada.

To qualify for senior boxes, applicants must be 60 years of age or older. There is also an income and residency requirement. More information is available at or by calling the ETFB at 903-597-3663.