Editorial: Amid shutdown, we should be prepared for rising need for food

The world’s best psychic (if, indeed, there is such a thing) would be hard-pressed to accurately predict when the government shutdown will end.

Already the longest ever, we can’t see any particular breaking points that might lead to some agreement. Compromise is apparently not even a consideration as neither side is willing to settle unless all their demands are met. Period.

Who you believe is most responsible for this mess is probably dependent on your presidential vote, but we suggest that now is not the time to focus on blame. Rather, let us consider how we can help the innocent victims of governmental inaction.
(Read more from Longview News-Journal)

Food benefits arriving early; East Texas food pantries preparing to supplement recipients

An emotional roller coaster happened for millions of food stamp recipients Monday morning.
They were first told at the end of last week to expect no February benefits due to the government shutdown.
Before noon Monday, an advisory said the benefits will be available by the end of the week.
Recipients are advised to plan carefully when shopping.
The HOPE Food Pantry in Nacogdoches may help. It serves food benefit recipients on a monthly basis. HOPE stands for Helping Other People Eat.
(Read more and watch this story from KTRE)

Local food banks could be impacted by government shutdown

If the government shutdown continues, millions of low-income families who depend on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, could have a harder time buying food; that includes, people in East Texas.

“The SNAP program is funded and running it’s funded through January, there’s about $3 billion worth of reserves left,” East Texas Food Bank CEO Dennis Cullinane said.
(Read more from KLTV 7)

The legacy of volunteerism left by George H.W. Bush

“I’ve spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the nation doing good,” said President George H.W. Bush in his 1989 Inaugural Speech.

One point of light in East Texas, Davonte Kemp, a volunteer at The East Texas Food Bank.
(Read more from KETK)

SFA wraps up fourth annual Cooking Matters program

Stephen F. Austin State University students in the School of Human Sciences wrapped up their fourth annual Cooking Matters program with a graduation ceremony and game night.

During this six-week collaborative course with the East Texas Food Bank, SFA students worked with community members to educate them on healthy eating habits and budgeting.
(Read more from SFASU)