Mobile Pantry

Mobile Pantry

The Mobile Pantry Program enables the East Texas Food Bank to get out onto the front lines in the fight against hunger by targeting neighborhoods and communities with a high percentage of people facing hunger, and then providing healthy food to those in need.  Once the ideal area is identified, the East Texas Food Bank will then partner with community organizations to help find a distribution site, provide volunteers and help spread the word about the program. Mobile Pantry locations give out food once or twice a month at select distribution sites. In FY2024, over 16,000 households were served by Mobile Pantry with 3.3 million pounds distributed.

Mobile Pantry Locations


Interested in becoming a Mobile Pantry Partner?

The Mobile Pantry program can only be successful through partnerships with community organizations.  There is no cost to partnering community organizations.  Are you a part of an organization that has a location and 10 volunteers that could help with a monthly food distribution?  Fill out our Mobile Pantry Partner Interest Form.