Hunger Blog


East Texas Food Bank to receive philanthropic investment from MacKenzie Scott

Recently, philanthropist MacKenzie Scott published a list of charitable investments that she is making in non-profits across the United States, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. According to the article Scott published on Medium, 384 organizations were selected and the East Texas Food Bank is honored and proud to be included
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5 Hopeful Stories in 2020_featured

5 Hopeful Stories in 2020 from the East Texas Food Bank

As this year comes to a close, we took a look back at the stories of hope that inspired us during these tough months of 2020. While COVID-19 has had devastating impacts on our communities, we are grateful for the staff, volunteers, donors, partner agencies and supporters who have come
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“I felt like I needed something to get me along for now.”

We spoke with Paul on a visit to an East Texas Food Bank partner pantry in November. Now in retirement, Paul said he usually visits the pantry once a month. However with the holidays coming up, he needed a bit extra to get by. “My daughter and fiancé would normally
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“This has been tough. But this food is really a blessing.”

We met Gayle and her dog Ruby recently at one of our drive-thru produce distributions. Gayle said she has been coming for several months to pick up items for herself and her husband. “We are both on social security,” Gayle said. “He has liver cancer and neither of us can
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Board of Directors Spotlight: Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams is the President of Black Nurses Rock in Tyler. She is new the East Texas Food Bank Board of Directors and joined this summer. Lisa recently graduated from Leadership Tyler and did a tour of ETFB in her class. She told us she was amazed at the operations
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Employee Spotlight: Lauren Barnes

Lauren Barnes joined the East Texas Food Bank in October 2019 as the Communications and Marketing Director. Lauren is responsible for all marketing, communications and advocacy activities across ETFB’s 26 county service area. Lauren has a passion for using her skills to have a positive impact on the community and
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