Hunger Blog

Summer Backpack Program feeds East Texas children over the weekend

Allison Medrano, 6, sorted through the contents of a zip-close bag with one hand and held her kitten, Jingle Bell, in the other. The bag contained canned soup, canned vegetables, drinks and snack foods. Allison was most excited about the box of cereal, but said she was saving part of
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Summer Food Program kicks off in Tyler offering free meals, activities for children

Seemingly unfazed by the light rain, thunder and dark clouds Tuesday afternoon, over a dozen children participated in the first day of East Texas Food Bank’s Summer Food Program at Emmett J. Scott Park. Most children had their faces painted and were clenching balloon accessories as they ran between the
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East Texas Food Bank Announces Partners in Health Program

Despite increasing the medication and insulin of a patient with diabetes, Dr. Michele Bosworth found the man’s condition was only getting worse. The patient suffered multiple heart attacks. Soon, both doctor and patient were growing weary of what could be done to improve his condition. “One day he said to
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